With years of experience in business building, entrpreneurship, church planting, missions and leadership development I'm able to add value to you and/or your team(s). You can find more information here, www.JDSmithOnline.com
As the Founder & CEO of CitiIMPACT Ministries, www.CitiIMPACT.org , a former church planter, coach for healthy church development, and ministry coach, I DO get the whole paradigm of starting and continuity in developing business and minsitry.
A key element of our national and international footprint is the catlyzing of collaborative partnerships that allow us to help more people together realize hope.
I came to the John Maxwell Team as I not only was looking to develop my own leadership capacity and skills, but to utilize credible organic and organization resources this great leader, John Maxwell, and our Team can add value to you, your family and organization.