If you have dreams, goals, or aspirations, you need to grow to achieve them. But if you’re like I was—and if you’re like most people—you have one or more mistaken beliefs that create a gap that keeps you from growing and reaching your potential. Take a look at the following eight misconceptions about growth that may be holding you back from being as intentional as you need to be.

I call these Growth Gap Traps. Be careful you are not falling into these traps that can lead to excuses and keep you from reaching your goals. Now that you are aware of potential growth traps, what strategies can you create and implement to help you bridge the gaps? TAKE ACTION TODAY: Write a specific plan for each gap that applies to you, and take the first step of that plan today.

The reality is that you will never get much done unless you go ahead and do it before you are ready. If you’re not already intentionally growing, you need to get started today. If you don’t, you may reach some goals, which you can celebrate, but you will eventually plateau. Once you start growing intentionally, you can keep growing and keep asking “What’s next?”.

(Excerpt from The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell)


This one commitment can be your difference-maker this year! 

Limited Space: Complimentary Mastermind Session on the 1st Law, "The Law of Intentionality"

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