For over 35 years I've been fortunate to have gained invaluable experience working at three of the top Fortune 100 companies in the world. During this time, I have seen firsthand which mentoring and coaching content and approach works and what doesn't. There is nothing that can fully replace that "teacher" called experience. But one can come close by sharing those experiences, the journey, and the learnings through coaching and mentoring.
That is why I have become a John C. Maxwell certified speaker, coach and trainer. To provide a perspective to you the mentee or client that might have taken you years to attain on your own. And to add value by assisting you through your journey whether that be in business or personal.
My personal growth has been one where the "school of hard knocks" was a proving ground for me to become even more resilient than I ever thought possible. To illustrate the importance of becoming more resilient in my life, I'm ten years past the last of the three different breast cancer occurrences and so grateful for the opportunity it afforded me to learn and grow. My personal experience with cancer has taught me that being resilient is a muscle and that anyone can learn the right exercises to make it stronger every day.
It would be my honor to serve you, to add value to you, through coaching and mentoring to support your growth in business and in life!