Welcome to Leadership Seeds!

 Have you ever heard yourself say these statements?

1. There aren't enough hours in the day.

2. I'm maxed out.

3. I have taken this job/career as far as I can.

4. I'm stuck (my personal favorite).

5. I just can't work any harder.

If you have said one of these statements, applying leadership skills will radically change your life for the better. Personal success without leadership skills brings limited effectiveness. A person's impact is only a fraction of what it could be. Leadership Seeds are weekly emails that, if applied, will help you develop the skills necessary to "unstick" you. I have found that leadership skills are the great multiplier. They gave me time back, made my relationships better and catapulted my organization to a higher level. See if they don't do the same for you.



Jan McDonald cares about people and their future growth and success. For the last 10 years she has been the CEO of Life Options Pregnancy Medical Clinics. Jan McDonald is an excellent match for the leadership, vision and strategic planning required as the CEO of Life Options. Jan is a results-oriented, yet compassionate leader. She is proficient at identifying organizational needs, and has the desire to build business relationships and possesses the ability to lead others. Jan’s leadership experience and success in achieving organizational goals and objectives has consistently taken Life Options to the next level.


Jan became a John Maxwell certified Coach, Speaker and Leadership Trainer because of the great impact leadership skills have had on Life Options, her life and relationships.


Working together, Jan will move you and/or your team or organization in the desired direction to reach your goals.


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